Welcome to Divrei Chizuk! Bringing the Bais HaMikdash down 1 brick+ at a time
Please Hashem help me get closer to You

On this page keep reading these divrei Torah. It will surely give you chizuk, and bring you closer to Hashem. If you would like to share your feeling you got when you read one of these chizuk divrei Torah or you would like to share a chizuk divrei Torah please email to divreichizuk1@aol.com  all new divrei Torah will be posted with a title and a # in red of page. If you need help at any time or would like to discuss what feelings you had or should have as you read the divrei Torah please feel free to call 347-846-8085 or email divreichizuk1@aol.com 

Also I would like to thank all those for participating and adding their chizuk. It should be a zechus for them and their mishpachas, and for all of klal Yisrael.AMEN!!!

 Bracha and Htazlacha.

As seen from Rav Parkoffs weekly chizuk sheet for Shabboa Oneg reading.
You can access Rav Parkoff's Chizuk Sheets online: http://www.shemayisrael.com/parsha/parkoff/ If you would like to correspond with Rabbi Parkoff, or change your subscription, please contact: rabbi.e.parkoff@gmail.com 
Rav Shimshon Dovid Pincus, zt”l, in Nefesh Shimshon, Shaare Emuna, pp. 254, 272, he relates a statement he heard from Rav Yoseph Dov Soloveitchik, zt”l, in the name of his father Maran the Brisker Rav, zt”l. The Tur (Orach Chaim, Hilchos Rosh Hashana, section 581) poskins that we bathe and take haircuts in honor of the Day of Judgment, based on the following Midrash: Yisroel are unlike the nations of the world. When there is a court case against them, they wear black… because they do not know the outcome of their court case. Yisroel are different. They wear white…. And they eat and drink and are happy on Rosh Hashana knowing that HaKadosh Baruch Hu will perform a miracle for them. We see from here that Bitachon is the foundation for Rosh Hashanah. Based on this Midrash, we can understand our minhag during the month of Elul and through the Yomim Tovim is to say Tehillim 27 each morning and evening 'ה לדוד וישעי אורי" Of Dovid. The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?" This Mizmor is a profound source of chizuk in emunah and bitachon. These are the p'sukim that Dovid Hamelech recited to himself to strengthen himself and internalize a deep bitachon in Hashem's salvation. The Chidah (in Avodas Hakodesh) advises us to even say this mizmor the entire year after Shacharis as a segulah. These are powerful psukim which encourage us in times of darkness when everything looks black and lost. That's why it starts "The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear?…. If an army encamps against me, my heart shall not fear; if a war should rise up against me, in this I trust." The Mizmor is permeated with emunah and bitachon and concludes with a double call for bitachon: be, Hashem in Trust " 'קַוֵּ֗ה אֶל ה' ח֖זַק וְיַאֲמֵץ לִבֶּך וְ֜קַוֵּ֗ה אֶל ה'' strong and He will give your heart courage, and trust in Hashem." Rav Elimelech Biderman (Be'er HaParsha) remarks that to realize the power of this mizmor we must study the circumstances behind its composition. It was a time of most desperate bleakness when everything looked lost. It was specifically this hopelessness which created this marvelous mizmor which has been a source of strength and fortitude for Yidden for centuries. What was the story behind this mizmor? Vayikra Rabba (21:3) tells us Dovid Hamelech composed this mizmor during when he was in Ziklag (Shmuel I 29- 30). Dovid Hamelech together with 600 followers and their wives and children had been staying in Ziklag. Dovid together with his men left Ziklag to help Achish in his battles. While Dovid was gone Amalek came and ransacked Ziklag taking all the women and children captives, looting the village and then burning it down. When Dovid and his men returned and saw the destruction and realized that their families and possessions had been carried away they were thunderstruck with total despair. They understood that they were no match for the Amalekites and everything was lost. They all broke down crying. "And David and all the people who were with him, raised their voice and wept, until they had no strength to weep. And David was in dire straits, for the people spoke of stoning him, for the soul of all the people was grieved, each man concerning his sons and concerning his daughters." Dovid and his men were devastated by losing their wives and children and held Dovid responsible for this terrible tragedy and were ready to lynch him. Dovid Hamelech grieved with them having himself lost his two wives and children, and also held himself blame worthy for the terrible mistake of taking his entire group of soldiers leaving the village unprotected. He was absolutely devastated and cried until there were no more tears. He felt personally responsible for the material loss and also the spiritual loss that hundreds of families would be assimilated into the dreadful Amalek tribe which would mean spiritual death for hundreds of neshamos. ִוַיּתְחַזֵּק דָּוִ֔ד בַּה' אֱקָיו :statement remarkable a see we Then "And David strengthened himself in the Lord his G-d." Next Dovid had Aviasar the Cohen ask the Urim and Tumim if he should go into battle with Amelek to retrieve the captives. "And David enquired of the Lord saying, 'Shall I pursue this troop? Will I overtake them?' And He said to him, 'Pursue, for you shall overtake and you shall rescue.'" Dovid then went and did battle with the Amalekites for two nights and a day and achieved a startling victory. In spite of being outnumbered and facing a formidable enemy, he defeated them against all odds. He recaptured his wives and all the captives and looted the camp and carried away a treasure trove of booty. Let us put ourselves into Dovid's shoes at that dark hour. He was absolutely devastated. It was his bleakest hour. His whole world in the blink of an eye suddenly turned black on him. He was left with nothing. His wives and children were gone. His followers turned against him wanting to stone him. He felt overwhelmed by the tragedy that he himself had wrought. Any normal human being would have buckled under the emotional stress and just given up and sunk into total depression. "And David strengthened himself in the Lord his G-d." It was at this point in his career that Dovid composed the Mizmor, "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?" There is nothing to fear. Hashem gives strength against all odds. Even the most formidable enemy is powerless against Hashem's strength. It was with this inspiration and renewed determination that Dovid then turned to the Urim and Tumim for prophetical direction whether or not to do battle and the answer was go and do battle and you shall be victorious. The Chofetz Chaim writes (Machaneh Yisroel 10:1) that had Dovid asked the Urim and Tumim without first instilling within himself emunah and bitachon, he would have received the answer that he would not be victorious in the battle. Therefore it states that only after "And David strengthened himself in the Lord his G-d" did he ask the Urim and Tumim. Only in the merit and Siyata d'Shamaya of his chizuk did he receive the bracha from the Ribono Shel Olam to go and do battle and win! The Chofetz Chaim's son testifies that the Chofetz Chaim throughout his life would regularly repeat to himself the .(Avi Medarchei Dugmaִ (וַיּתְחַזֵּק  דָּוִ֔ד  בַּה' אֱלןקָיו) possuk This should be our course in life: to emulate Dovid Hamelech and internalize down to our bones emunah in Trust bitachon and Hashem, be strong and He will give your heart courage, and trust in Hashem." We must trust in Hashem. That will give us internal strength to deal with any situation. It will instill within our hearts the courage and fortitude to meet any challenge. And with that we must again, trust in Hashem. Bitachon, bitachon, and more bitachon. * * * Rav Biderman recounts that he heard the following story from a talmid chochom in the USA. He told him that one Motzei Yom Kippur went outside to build his succah and fell from the ladder. In the hospital his roommate was a 90 year old European Yid named Reb Zev Deutsch. Reb Deutsch greeted him and said to him, "Listen my son. This principle should be with you your entire life. Never mourn over anything that happens to you. Everything is for the good. Nothing bad ever happens to a Yid – only that sometimes the good is hidden behind many veils. This is what happened to me. "When I was young, I, together with five friends, were running from the cursed Nazis. Imminent danger was constantly looming over us because we were roaming around without passports or other documents which automatically labeled us as refugees opening us up to the whims and caprices of the anti-Semitic authorities. But Hashem reminded one of the bochurim that he had a relative in the city we were staying in. We immediately contacted this relative and she heard that we were hiding out and gave us food and water. "A few days passed and suddenly this relative appeared like an "angel of salvation' holding passports and documents that 'attested' to our being Swiss citizens. Then my heart almost dropped out when I saw that she was only holding 5 passports for my 5 friends. Somehow she had forgotten about me and obtained only 5 passports from the counterfeiter. She was very distraught at her terrible mistake but it was too late. The forger was worried that the authorities were on to him and his illegal activities and he refused to make any more fake passports. "My five friends bid a tearful farewell and went on their journey to freedom. I was left there all alone, and as soon as they left I fell to the ground and bawled out my heart on my bitter fate. Here I was, my friends were on their way to escape and I was stuck in this valley of death with only darkness surrounding me. Who knows what would be my fate. I was doomed. "But Hakadosh Baruch Hu said, 'Why are you crying my son. Don't cry because I have already prepared for you a definite route of escape.' "As they were fleeing towards Switzerland they were stopped by a general who examined their passports. The documents raised his suspicions and he gave them to one of his soldiers to examine their validity. This soldier was an expert in identifying forged documents and confirmed that indeed these were counterfeit passports. All five of my friends were thrown into the Donai River and drowned. I, however, you see here in front of you at the age of 90. So how can you cry over the way Hashem runs the world?"

#17. “The lawyer and the drowning girl”

I thank the person who emailed this in. It should be a big zechus for her and her mishpacha.

A True Story told over by HaRav Fishel Schachter, Parshas Va’era, 2008


There was a chareidi family that took a vacation to Teveria. The wife and 2 daughters went down to the kineret to go swimming. The husband went to daven by Reb Meir Baal HaNeis. The girls start to wade in the water, and the older daughter steps too far in and is swept into a current, but she couldn’t swim, and begins to go under. The mother is watching as the daughter is pleading for her life, but the mother couldn’t swim. The mother runs onto the highway and is desperately trying to flag down cars for help. They are swerving around her, honking at her, screaming to get out of the road. Finally an elegant car stops and a well dressed man asks what’s happening. The mother screams my daughter is drowning. He throws off his coat and runs and dives into the water. The man’s wife is screaming to him saying,  “Remember you just had a heart attack.” He dives into the water and comes up with the little girl. The mother breathes a sigh of relief for a moment, until she realizes that this was the younger daughter who must have jumped in to save the older daughter. She screams “I have another daughter there!” He jumps back in and screams “Where is she? Where is she?” The mother is pointing to him, “Over there, over there.”  He dives to the bottom and begins to drag her limpless body to the shore, but now there are people on the shore, who are screaming “Her head is still in the water! Her head is still in the water. Lift it out!!!”  He lifts her head and puts it on his shoulder and brings her ashore. There was an arab man was on the beach, who started doing CPR on the girl. They called the ambulance and the ambulance crew said they took a pulse, but her head was in the water too long, there’s nothing they can do. They go off to the hospital, and the doctors say there’s no hope. The family began davening for a miracle. They’re waiting and waiting, davening. The Doctor took an MRI, and when he saw the results, runs back in and said, “I can’t believe it, regular brain activity resumed”. The daughter finally wakes up and leaves the hospital two days later. The doctors said they never saw anything like it, she was deprived of oxygen for so long, it was impossible to have this outcome.


A few days later, the family makes a Seudas Hod’ah (meal of thanks) to thank H” for the miracle, and wanted to invite the man who jumped into the water to save their daughter. They couldn’t find him, so thought maybe he called into the hospital to see how she was, and they were right. They found him. He was an attorney from a non observant kibbutz, with no connection to yiddishkeit his whole life. They invited him to the seudah and he told them this story. He was recovering from a heart attack before this incident, and he and his wife were headed up North for a vacation, when he saw this chareidi woman in the street. His wife said keep driving, she’s a meshuganah, but he said she looks desperate, so decided to help. He told the family that he had been sick for awhile, and used to be an Olympic swimmer, but hadn’t swam in YEARS. But just last week, as part of his therapy for the heart attack, he was in a hotel that had a pool, and he started to swim laps during the week. His wife was yelling at him that it was dangerous, and he told her that for some reason, he felt that he had to do this for some reason. He felt that he just loved it. He told them that If he hadn’t done this he wouldn’t have been in shape enough to rescue their daughters. “So I jumped in and saved your first daughter, but then you told me there’s another daughter. I went back in, and as I was pulling your 2nd daughter to shore, and realized that I didn’t bring her head above the water, I was going out of my mind – during those crucial last few moments, I didn’t bring her head above the water, I was going out of my mind.” Afterwards, I came home and cried to my wife, “I killed that girl.” My wife said what are you talking about, you saved her, you risked your life. “But I’m so stupid, I didn’t take her head out of the water.” No, she said, you just didn’t realize. “NO, She died because of my stupidity” I said, “It was my fault, she would have lived!”. So I ran back to that place, and climbed to the top of a mountain, and I said, “Ribbono Shel Olam, never in my life did I pray to you. I was raised on a kibbutz, and laughed at prayer. I wouldn’t be caught dead praying, I would have been so embarrassed. G-d, this is the first time in my life I’m praying to you. I’ll never be able to live this down. I won’t be able to go on. PLEASE, H”, consider it as if I prayed to you my whole life, and combine all those prayers that I could have said, and use them to save this girl. Please G-d” He continued to tell the family, that “I went back home and called the hospital, and they told me that an hour ago (as I was saying this prayer) she woke up!”


Think about this story, was he a hero b/c he took off his jacket and jumped in? Was it that he jumped in twice? Where was the gift of life? It was at the moment that he said “I blew it, I tried and I tried and blew it.” Instead of falling to despair, he took that broken heart, and instead of letting it turn into depression and sadness, he converted it into Tefillah. A tefillah that he never had before in his life. And miracles came from it. There are moments in life that we think we blew it. We have to realize that those very moments, if used correctly, are the seeds for redemption, Moshiach, refuah and yeshuah for everyone.

Any malchim created from this through Divrei Chizuk may Hashem send to this person for a continued refuah, bracha v'hatzlacha, yeshua, and may Hashem answer all her bakashos, and may this be a zechus for all of Klal Yisrael.AMEN!!!!!

#16. The Oldest Lesson in History-

Parshas Bereishis-by Rabbi Label Lam as seen on torah.org sent in from a reader.

The man said, "The woman that You gave to be with me - she gave me of the tree and I ate." (Breishis 3:12)

...that You gave to be with me...Evident here is a lack of gratitude. (Rashi)

So Hashem G-d banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the soil from which he was taken. (Breishis 3:23)

You don't know what you've got till it's gone. You take paradise and put up a parking lot. (Joni Mitchell)

There are few important rules about what we call "punishments". 1) They are never strictly punitive but are also somehow rehabilitative. There's always a cure for something mixed in with the soup of misery. 2) The punishment fits the crime in a manner of measure for measure. There's a poetic justice in implied in every Divine sentence. 3) What seems like a retributive reaction is really a mechanical effect caused by the misdeed. If a person puts his hand in fire he is automatically burnt.

Where do we see some of these ingredients active in the story of man's mishap in the Garden of Eden? Why was expulsion his just desert? A wealthy family raised an orphan in their home from infancy until early adulthood. His treatment and style of living was absolutely equal to the other siblings in the family. He wore the same elegant clothing and ate the same gourmet food as they. One day a poor man came to the door of this wealthy man. A deep chord of sympathy was struck within the wealthy man. So he gave to him one hundred gold coins.

The poor fellow was so shocked. He had never been given such a huge sum. One gold coin would have sufficed but such a demonstration of generosity uncorked a fountain of appreciation. The man started to praise his benefactor with every benevolent phrase.

He continually showered blessings and good wishes even as he exited. Still afterwards his voice could be heard ringing in the streets as it faded into the night.

The wife turned to her husband and remarked on what a stunning display of gratitude they had just witnessed. She then addressed the phenomena that this fellow with a single donation could not stop saying thanks and is probably still singing praises as he sits in his home. In contrast, the orphan, who has been the beneficiary of kindliness worth much more, has never once offered even a hint of thankfulness.

The moment the husband grasped her meaning, he called over the orphan boy who had been a member of their household for so many years, and pointed him to the door. He held his head low and left. The days to follow were a bitter example of how brutal life can be "out there".

Without food and shelter he was forced to take the lowest job. He slept on the floor where he worked from day to late night. The first few days of work were just to pay his rent and only then could he afford a drop of food. For weeks he struggled and suffered just barely subsisting, and all the while looking longingly back at the blessed and dainty life he left behind.

At a calculated time the wealthy man sent for the boy to be returned to his former status within the family. However, now, having gone through what he had, he thanked his host constantly for every bit of goodness and percolated continuously with the joy of genuine appreciation.

As a nation and as individuals we have all witnessed this pattern and experienced it too many times. The key to holding a blessing is appreciation. Without that attitude of gratitude the weight of the goodness that surrounds a man pushes him into exile till he is ready to gratefully surrender. This is only the most fundamental, oft repeated, and the oldest lesson in history.

15. Simply say to Hashem
What am I without You Hashem? 
Let us learn from Yosef -
 ''Biladai-What am I without Hashem?'' 
No matter what skills we posses and no matter what good we do, none of it would have been possible without Hashem. Give credit where the credit is due!
Realize that everything depends upon Hashem. Put your reliance on Him and He will bless you in countless ways

14. Hashem is our support:

We say at the end of Birkas Hamazon: ''blessed is the man who trusts in Hashem and Hashem will be his support.'' The more a person trusts in Hashem and relies upon Him, the more Hashem will help him and bless him.

13-Rabbi Miller delineates ten steps to greatness that should be practiced every day.

Saying this over and repeating this helps one get closer to Hashem and gives one chizuk. Rav Miller zt''l recommended these exercises for thirty days. He also says that if one feels exhausted, take a break and come back slowly. 

1. Say at least once (in private) "I love You Hashem."

2. Spend thirty seconds thinking about Olam Habba.

3. At least one time during the day, for example during meal times, acknowledge that your actions are L'shem Shamayim.

4. When saying the bracha of "Malbish Arumim" He clothes the naked,'' spend thirty seconds the great gift of garments, i.e., pockets, shoelace,etc.

5. Spend one minute thinking over yesterday (cheshbon hanefesh).

6. When reciting the the words, "If I forget you, Yerushalim....," sit down on the floor in privacy, for one second to think about the loss of Yerushalayim.

7. Do one act of kindness a day that no one, other than Hashem, knows about.

8. Encourge somebody- thereby imitating Hashem, Who lifts up the humble.

9. Once a day, when looking at another person, think, ''I'm seeing a tzelem Elokim.''

10. Just like Hashem's image shines on us, SMILE!!! 

12-Success is completely in the hands of Hashem

Pharaoh had dreams that none of his wise men could interpret. When he summoned Yosef and asked him to interpret his dreams, Yosef did not feel any feelings of pride or importance. In fact, Yosef denied that he possessed the abilty to interpret his dreams. He told Pharoah immediatly: biladai-It's not really me! I can't do anything on my own!"

Yosef realized that without Hashem, he was powerless to interpret Pharaoh's dreams correctly. He knew with absolute clarity that no matter what a person wants to do, success is completely in the hands of Hashem. The more a person relies upon Hashem and hopes for His help, the more help Hashem sends him. When a person relies upon Hashem for he realizes that all power is Hashem's and no one possesses any power without Hashem, Hashem uses His infinite powers to help that person in very many ways. What we have to do do is be mispallel to Hahsem to help one reach this level. Say over to Hashem "please Hashem my Father My creator Help me reach and live like this". 

As heard From Rabbi Avigdor Miller ZT"L
11.Hashem controls all cicumstances
"And his master saw that Hashem was with him; and that all he did, Hashem caused to prosper in his hand"(39:3)
This that Yosef prospered was not merely a gift from Hashem, but it was bestowed upon Yosef because he correctly utilized every circumstance. Instead of becoming depressed and embittered by the undreamed of catastrophe, that a darling son of a wealthy father was suddenly snatched from his home and sold as a slave among foreigners, Yosef reacted with exemplary uprightness of character.
He had been brought up to understand that Hashem controlled and devised all circumstances and therefore instead of falling into the degraded ways of a slave-boy, he sought to make the best of his life at every step.  He lived even now as a son of Jacob, with all the high aspirations that Isaac and Abraham had transmitted.  He was faultlessly loyal to his new master and everything that he did was performed with diligence and energy , in accordance with his father's ways (See 31:38) of loyal service to Lavan.  Because all that Yosef did was approved by Hashem, therefore, "all the he, Hashem caused to prosper in his hand."
But the verse does not state merely that Hashem caused everything to prosper in Yosef's hand, but it states that, "His master saw that Hashem was with him; and (his master saw) that all the he died, Hashem caused to prosper."  Yosef's success in everything was so phenomenal that even the Egyptian master recognized the hand of Hashem.  Yosef himself surely understood that his success was solely from Hashem despite Yosef's exceptional talents and loyal devotion and diligence. 
Pharaoh, too, said subsequently, "Could we find anyone such as this, that the spirit of G-d is in him?" (41:38)
Yosef was very likeable and very capable.  Yet, his success in everything was so phenomenal that despite Joseph's talents it was clear that Hashem was prospering his efforts.
This is a model provided by Hashem by prospering the efforts of a conscientious man that:
A. Fears G-d (as in 39:9) & "It is G-d whom I fear" (42:18)
B. Possesses good character (as Joseph demonstrated by showing concern for the other prisoners if jail)
C. Must have energy in order to accomplish (Joseph was a leader in all stages of his life)
MY COMMENT: This gave me a lot of chizuk. No matter what the situation, we have to believe in Hashem and put our trust in Him. We have to work on understanding that Hashem controles all cicumstances. We have to believe!!!
One should be mispalel for this from Hashem. Say to Hashem please Hashem help me live like this. 

This was shown to me by a good friend may this be a zechus for him and his entire family.
10. And Hashem said let there be light

In Berishes Perek 1 Pasuk 2-3 it says

"And the earth was desolate and void, and darkness was upon the waters.... and Hashem said, Let there be light and there was light".

The Chofets Chaim taught that these verses serve as a tremendous inspiration to us in times of darkness. At the beginning of creation the world was completely dark, but one statement by Hashem was sufficient to light up the world. Keeping in mind that Hashem has the power to shine forth a magnificent light, will help us overcome moments of despair. Whenever you feel darkness, repeating the words "Let there be light" will allow the light of Hashem to penetrate your heart and soul, giving you the ability to deal with any hardship from a position of spiritual strength.

9. Zohar HaKadosh - Mashiach & Mumbai

This was emailed to me by my friend check him out at www.HalachaForToday.com

This is written in the Zohar in Parshas Balak

"The Divine Spirit (Hashem) will go and return to Moshe Rabenu for 70 days. At the end of the 70 days, the pain of Am Israel (the Jewish People) will ascend to the Holy King. One Synagogue in the South will be destroyed and lost as well as five true Tzaddikim will be amomgst them dead.

At the end of the 32 days since the murder of the people in that synagogue, Hashem wil put on a garment of outrage and Mashiach ben Efraim will spread, like a ram whose horns go upwards.

And the Shofar will blow three times and a tremendous noise will desend on the world from the blowing of the Shofar and the Whole World Will See & Hear.

The Sitra Achara (the impurities) will be completely wiped from the Holy Land and Yishmael will make three wars with Mashiach. Then they will come and bow down to the Master of the Universe in Yerushalayim, and the wars will be in the sixth millenium"

End of the Zohar

The terrorists attacked and murdered the five Kedoshim in Mumbai on Wednesday night, November 26,2008 - Cheshvan 29.

70 days prior to November 26 was September 17, 2008 - the day the Stock Market plunged 449 points and Islamist Militants attacked the US Embassy in Sannaa - The capitol of Yemen.

Thirty Two days after the five Kedoshim were murdered in the Mumbai attacks - is the 8th & Last day of Hanukah.

Once again, this doesnt  mean that it WILL happen, but if if it does happen, will YOU be part of it? Will YOU be one of the lucky Jews who gets to  go with Mashiach? It's up to YOU to prepare NOW. Spend time purifying YOUR soul and making amends for sins of the past, rather than wasting  time with mundane (or worse) things and continuing to live in sin.

Achakeh Lo B'Chol Yom SheYavo. He can arrive ANY day now, and only those deemed worthy will go along with him.

8. P.S. Always Mention Hashem

I first want to say to Hashem  thank You for everything, for leading me and guiding me, and sending me people to help. For letting me be able to bring this out to Klal Yisrael. Please participate in this Mitzvah and share this with everyone you know. Join the daily chizuk. Sign others up. Help someone do a chesed. My good friend Ben Olam Habah (please check him out at www.halachafortoday.com  also sign up & Become a Ben Olam Haba in 30 Seconds a Day! Sign up for the Daily Halacha email! Email your request to HalachaForToday@Yahoo.com)

wrote to me this morning and asked me a question. At the end of my answer I added this p.s. and thats how this whole thing started. One can clearly see  It's all from Hashem!!!

p.s. Always mention Hashem. Say thank You Hashem for...... I am so greatful to You Hashem for........   B"H for....... It's not me it is all from You Hashem.... I have found that when one speaks like this it helps one know and feel that it all comes from Him.

Hashem is filled with kindness & compassion. 
Hashem is Great.(always keep saying this)
We should always look for any good that is happening to us and thank Hashem. B'zchus thanking Hashem & recognizing His greatness may Hashem give us all a life filled with much bracha, hatzlacha, parnasa, refuah, shiduchim, shalom, shalom bais, yeshua, and we should all merit to see the building of the Beis Hamikdash that should be now AMEN!

6. How to trust in Hashem.

One has to always be mispallel (pray) for it. Ask Hashem Please Hashem help me get closer to You just as Yaakov did (#4 below). Then one has to work on themselves. It always has to be done no matter what kind of mood one is in. Always sing to Hashem and praise Him.Thank Him for everything you have. Keep running to Him as a child runs to a parent. If you need more understanding in this please call 347-846-8085 or email info@divreihizuk.com 

5. One who believes in Hashem's Chesed

receives Hashem's Chesed.

There is a book called Trust Me written by Rabbi Eliezer Parkoff that I read  it helps me feel better & brings me closer to Hashem. In this vort he explains about Avraham's belief in Hashem. It helped me understand that Hashem is maleh(full) of chesed and what we have to do is just believe it and put our trust in Hashem.

Avraham was the living embodiment of chesed, and he believed with unwavering faith in Hashem as the source of unlimited kindness. Therefore, he considered Hashem's promise an act of tzedakah or charitable act, even though he might be unworthy of it from the perspective of strict justice. Consequently, Avraham wasn't afraid of a sin detracting from his merit and causing Hashem's promise to be made void, for Hashem's promise was not conditional on his merits. It was pure chesed on Hashem's part, and the chesed of Hashem continues even in the face of sin. Thus "And he believed in Hashem, and Hashem considered this to his merit," means that when Avraham displayed his belief in Hashem's unlimited kindness, Hashem responded measure for measure, and showered him with chesed.

4. How to get close to Hashem
I have learned that one who truly desires to be close to Hashem has to ask for it. When one asks for it Hashem wil make nissim (miracles) for it to happen. As we see from Yaakov desire. This vort was shared with me this evening by someone it should be a zechus for him and his entire mishpacha.
Here is the vort I shared with you tonight with a bonus, be well and may HASHEM bless you and those who may read this, I hope it helps.
   Rashi explains the word "encounter"  refers to prayer, specifically the evening tefillah, which was instituted by Yaakov. This particular word is used here rather than "prayed" to tell us that a miraculous transportation took place. Yaakov had gone all the way to Harran when he realized that he had not stopped to pray in the place where his fathers had prayed. He made up his mind to return, and Mount Moriah was immediately and miraculously transported to him. (Chullin 91b)
   The Sfas Emes observes that according to tradition, two unconnected concepts are never derived from the same word. Therefore, if the word "encounter" is used here to allude to both the evening prayer and miraculous transportation, there must be some connection between the two.
   The Sfas emes explains that the distance between Harran and Mount Moriah is very great, nonetheless, Yaakov's inner yearning to draw close to G-d was strong enough to cause Mount Moriah to be miraculously transported to him. This teaches us that if a person but wills it, he can encounter the spirit of G-d in any place whatsoever. And this is also the symbolism of the evening prayer: emanations of light amidst darkness.  excerpt from Talelei Oros
   As a side note I learned from Rabbi Waxman the following vort: when we pray to HASHEM and present our needs and desires it is within the prerogative of The Holy One Blessed be He to grant our pray or not, that is all but one prayer, if one comes before Him and asks to have yirat shamyim "fear of G-d" this pray will always be granted.
   The world as we see it was designed with one purpose, to draw near to the Holy One. Rabbi Dessler teaches "there is a not so obvious reason why human beings pursue worldly pleasures so avidly (especially in our day and age). It I because the have a subconscious urge to still the pangs of spiritual hunger. Everyone has this nameless inner yearning, the longing of the soul for its state of perfection, and indulgence on worldly pleasures is an illusory substitute for this."


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What you are about to read should be worked on each and every day while we are in this world. I thank the person who shared this with me. We should keep saying ''Ein Od Milvado'' all day. May Hashem lead us and guide us getting close to Him while we say and focus on these words. AMEN

This is from;

Harav Avigdor Nebenzahl Shlita,

Senior Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh

The Rav of the Old City, world-renowned author and posek

"EIN OD MILVADO"-- "There is none beside Him"

Following the German occupation at the outset of WWII, when HaRav Yitzchak Zev Soloveitchik, the Brisker Rav, was forced to flee from Warsaw, he found the roads filled with German murderers. He spent the entire time of his flight concentrating on the thought "Ein Od Milvado" "there is none beside Him" and due to this, he was able to miraculously escape to Vilna which at the time was outside their jurisdiction (see Yalkut Lekach Tov on the Torah volume 5, page 62). Strengthening the recognition that save for the A-lmighty, there is no other force in the world is a tremendous "segulah" for removing from one's self and negating all the decrees and wills of others totally preventing them from working against them (see Nefesh HaChaim Shaar 3, Chapter 12). Even though the Germans had bombs, machine guns, and other weapons of destruction, when one understands that they are all nothing whatsoever, they can have no control over us and we can be saved from them.

It is not sufficient to mouth the words "ein od milvado" but we must actually feel it. All the forces in the world only exist because we deem them significant, when we feel in our heart that there is no power save that of Hashem then nothing in the world has the inherent ability to inflict any harm upon us. The Torah relates "Now Rachel had taken the teraphim, put them into the camel's pack-saddle and sat on them" (Bereishit 31:34). Why did she place them specifically in the packsaddle? Perhaps it was the ideal hiding place? Chazal offer an additional reason. These idols had a certain ability to reveal their precise location to Lavan. When did they possess such power? Only when they were treated with honor! If, on the other hand, they were degraded and treated as if they are worthless, their power would cease to function. By sitting on them, Rachel was not only hiding them but also degrading them in an effort to dispossess them of their powers. They would now be unable to inform Lavan of their whereabouts. This is how Avoda Zara operates, its power (assuming it has any) stems only from people attaching importance to it. When, however, no significance whatsoever is accorded it, when it is treated as being worthless, then it can exert no control (see Zohar volume I 164:2). It is not only Avoda Zara, but any force in the world only exists because we endow it with significance. When we truly realize and understand that Hashem is the only force in the world then the other forces will lose their significance and we will realize that nothing in the world can have any effect on us.

Someone wrote in to divrei chizuk this beautiful story. I thank the person very much for sharing this. It should be a zechus for you that Hashem should give you much bracha and hatzlacha bchol masei ydecha. It should also be a zechus for all of klal Yisrael for bracha, hatzlacha, parnasa, refuah, shiduchim, nachas, sholom bais.May we all be zoche by praising Hashem to see the coming of Mashiach b'mihera b'yamienu AMEN!!! 

2. The Baal Shem Tov's words:

  On my sixteenth birthday, the eighteenth of Elul 5474, I was in a small village. The innkeeper was a Jew of quintessential simplicity. He knew his prayers only with difficulty -- he had no idea what the words meant. But he had a great awe of heaven and for everything that would occur to him he would comment, "Blessed be He, and may He be blessed for ever and ever" [believe me, it flows much better in the original --trans.]. The innkeeper's wife and partner had a different saying: "Blessed be His Holy Name".

    On that day, I went to meditate in solitude in the pasture, as had been taught by the sages before us, that on your birthday you should meditate alone for a period of time. In my meditations I recited Psalms and concentrated on the yichudim of the divine names. ["Yichudim" are a form of kabalistic meditation based on different permutations and combinations of the divine names and attributes of G-d --trans.].

    As I was immersed in this, I had lost awareness of my surroundings. Suddenly, I beheld Elijah the Prophet -- and a smile was drawn over his lips. I was very amazed that I should merit a revelation of Elijah the Prophet while alone. When I was with the tzaddik Rabbi Meir, and also with others of the hidden tzaddikim I had the fortune to see Elijah the Prophet. But to be privileged to this while alone -- this was the very first time and I was very amazed. Understandably, I was unable to interpret the smile on Elijah's face.

    And this is what he said to me:

    "Behold, you are struggling with great effort to focus your mind upon the divine names that extend from the verses of psalms that David, King of Israel, composed. But Aaron Shlomo the innkeeper and Zlota his wife are ignorant of the yichudim of divine names that extend from "Blessed be He, and may He be blessed for ever and ever" that the innkeeper recites and "Blessed be His Holy Name" that she recites -- yet these yichudim make a storm throughout all the worlds far beyond the yichudim of Divine Names that the great tzaddikim can create."

    Then, Elijah the Prophet told me about the pleasure G-d takes, so to speak, from the praise and thanksgiving of the men, women and children that praise the Holy One Blessed be He -- especially when the praise and thanks comes from simple people, and most specifically when it is ongoing, continual praise -- for then they are continuously bonded with G-d, blessed be He, with pure faith and sincerity of heart.

    From that time on I took upon myself a path in the service of G-d to bring men, women and children to say words of praise to G-d. I would always ask them about their health, the health of their children, about their material welfare -- and they would answer me with different words of praise for the Holy One, blessed be He -- each one in his or her own way.

    For several years I did this myself, and at one of the gatherings of the hidden tzaddikim they all accepted this path....

1. Shema Yisrael 

דברים-פרשת שופטים-כ:ג

   וְאָמַר אֲלֵהֶם שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל אַתֶּם" קְרֵבִים הַיּוֹם לַמִּלְחָמָה עַל־אֹֽיְבֵיכֶם


And he the Kohain shall say to them Shema Yisroel...Listen Israel!  Today you are going to engage your enemies in war....

Rashi explains that the Kohain's first words are "Shema Yisroel" to hint to the secret of victory in battle.  If the Jewish nation says Shema Yisroel, kriyas Shema properly, they surely will defeat their enemies.  What is the connection between the mitzvah of saying Kriyas Shema and success in battle?  The following will explain the matter.

A father once took his little boy for a walk in the forest.  The child played joyfully, playing here and there, while his father followed behind at a distance.  A hunter, who saw the boy but not the father, asked the boy, "Aren't you afraid to be alone in the forest?"

 "I am not alone, replied the child.  My father is here too.  He is looking after me!"

The father had drawn close by then and heard what had been said.  Looking on with a smile, he was pleased to see that his son relied upon him for protection.  Imagine if the child had replied differently.  Imagine if he had said, "No, I am a big boy and brave enough to face anything."

The father could rightfully have been annoyed.  He might well decide since he thinks he can look after himself, the next time he gets in trouble, I will not lift a finger to help him!  Maybe then he will realize that he cannot manage alone and needs me.

So it is with Klal Yisroel.  When we say Shema Yisroel Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad, Hear o' Israel Hashem is our G-d, Hashem is one, we need him.  He is in charge of everything in the world and only with His help can we manage, succeed, and survive in the world.  When we say these words with feeling and truly believe them, our Father in heaven will be pleased that we rely on Him alone.  Seeing that we understand that He is our salvation, He surely will want to change.  Woe to us if we forget about Him and think that we can manage on our own.  If that is our attitude, G-d forbid, he will completely stop paying attention to us.  He will let us try to manage alone, until we learn our lesson and realize that we are helpless without him...

Belief that only Hashem can help us protects us, saves us, and gives us victory in battle, in this world that we live in. 



During the first World War many borders between neighbouring countries were closed.

Soldiers patroled the border to stop anyone who tried to cross.  At one of the borders, there was a cruel and merciless guard, named Ivon.  If he ever caught anyone trying to cross the border, he would kill him without mercy.  He was so cruel and merciless, people shuddered at the mere mention of his name.

A Jew from the Town of Novardok had to cross the border in order to deliver an important message.  He knew that his mission was extremely dangerous but the message was so urgent he had no choice.

 Latre at night, he stealthily crept towards the border.  Would he be able to cross safely?  Step by step he advanced as quiet as a mouse.  The border was but a few paces away... Suddenly, he heard a shout, "HALT.  Who goes there?"  There was no way to flee.  He turned to see a fierce looking guard pointing his rifle toward him.  "Where is your pass," thundered Ivon.  "No one has ever escaped my clutches.  Do you know who I am?"  The Jew shook his head, no.  "I am Ivon," said the cruel guard, expecting his prisoner to become white with fear.  To Ivon's surprise, the young Jew calmly answered him, "If Hashem wants, I shall return home alive."

 Ivon became furious.  "What do you mean?  I am going to shoot you!  You have just a few more seconds to live!"

 "If Hashem wants me to live, then you are powerless."  Ivon was ready to explode.  His face reddened as he lifted his gun.  "All I need to do is pull the trigger."

"What you want does not matter," replied the Jew.  All that counts is what Hashem wants."

Ivon took aim and was about to pull the trigger.  "We will see about that," he snapped as he put the gun to the prisoner's forehead.  The young man stood there as calmly as before.  "I am not afraid.  If Hashem wants, I will leave here alive."  Hearing that, Ivon lost all control.  "You are crazy," he screamed.  "You are mad!  Get out of here before I shoot!  Run or I will pull the trigger!"

 Why was the Jew saved?  It was only because he completely relied on Hashem.

 Shema Yisroel Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad.  Hear O Israel, Hashem is our G-d; Hashem is one.  If we say these words with feeling every day and live by them, Hashem will always protect us and save us from harm.



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One must train his/herself to always thank Hashem. Here are a few ways for now more will be added BES"H. I have found that when one speaks like this it helps one know and feel it all comes from HASHEM. Everything we have is because Hashem gave it to us. If Hashem didn't want us to have it we wouldn't have it. It was given to us for a reason. No matter what it is if one chas v'shalom doesn't think this way and thinks he/she did it. Then the way you are thinking is wrong and you will fall. Rachmana L'tzlan. So here is a way to help one realize that it all comes from Hashem. Train yourself to speak like this. 

I am so greatful to Hashem for........  
B"H for.......
It's not me it is all from Hashem.... 
Hashem, You are so Great thank You for........
Hashem I can never thank You enouph for all that You do, I believe in You, I hope to You, I trust in You, It's all You.
If you would like to add to this please e-mail me at info@divreichizuk.com or call at 347-846-8085.