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Lichvod Klal Yisrael a wonderful book to buy is
Just One Word
Esther Stern
The power of Amein Yehei Shemei Raba is strong enough to change a person's pre-ordained mazal.
Chazal relate the following (Berachos,Rif 13b, Rosh3:19; cf.Shabbos 119b): ''When a person answers Amein
Yehei Shemei Raba, even a decree of seventy years is torn up.''
The Maharal(Nesivos
Olam 1) explains that ''a decree of seventy years'' refers to the mazal that a person is born with, since seventy years symbolizes
the human life-span. Just by properly saying Amein Yehei Shemei Raba one time, a person is able to change
the mazal that he was born with; whether he will be rich or poor, clever or stupid, have a troubled life or one filled with
serenity, or whether he will live many years or not.
In addition to this all,
an Amein Yehei Shemei Raba is also able to nullify decree pronounced on a person during his
lifetime because of his sins.
Every act makes a difference
Rav Simcha
Zissel of Kelm takes this a step further. He teaches that every individual is so important that it would be worthwhile for
G'd to create the whole world for 6000 years (see Sanhedrin 97a) to have just one Jew answering "Baruch Hu u'Varuch Shemo"
once in his lifetime.
Every "Amen", says Rab Simcha Zissel, is worth a thousands folds
more. One "Yehei Shmei Rabba …" is like a thousand times answering "Amen". One word of Torah study
is worth a thousands fold more than that.
This adds a new dimension to the statement "The
world was created for me." Each of us has a tremendous power and therefore carry a huge responsibility throughout our
life on earth. Every word we utter, and every act we perform, makes a difference. As the Talmud (Kiddushin 40b) teaches that
a person should live with a constant awareness that every act one does may tip the scale and make a difference for the entire
(Shabbos 119b) The Gemara says one who answers Amen Yehei Shmay Rabbah with
all his strength annuls bad decrees and gets Mechilah for his sins.
to the second opinion in Tosefos "all his strength" means saying it loudly. According to Rasi and
the first opinion in Tosefos it means saying it with as much Kavanah as possible (which is more important than simply screaming
the words)
The following sources are published by the Chofetz Chaim
Heritage Foundation:
“With a small amount of effort,
can open up a world of mercy.
The Gemara says that answering “Amen, Yehei Shemei Rabba
, ,
.” with all your might and intending the merits to go to the
sick person has the power to TEAR up the sentence passed
against a person. The
reason is that, “Amen, Yehei Shemi
Rabba . . .” works beyond the confines of nature
and can
bring healing even when nature seems to afford no hope.
The Zohar (Terumah) teaches that “Amen Yehei Shmei Rabbah”
has enormous
spiritual power, far beyond that of any other
acknowledgment of G-d’s holiness.
Recited with proper
concentration and vigor, it can destroy evil forces that
result from man’s misdeeds and that prevents G-d’s splendor
from being
revealed to His children. It was composed in
Aramaic, a language that lacks the holiness
of Hebrew and is
therefore utilized by the forces of evil. By exalting G-d
in Aramaic, we bring holiness to the dark corners of the
earth where it could not otherwise
When a Jews says “Amen, Yehei Shmei Rabba with
kavannah, G-d’s Name is sanctified beyond imagination. We
cannot even dream of the good this one verse of praise can
Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said: Whoever responds “Amen, Yehei
Shemei Rabba . . .” with all his might, has any evil decree
against him torn
up. (Shabbos 119b)
At a time when Israel responds in a loud voice, “Amen,
His Great Name be blessed (forever and ever) . . .” the Holy
One, Blessed is He, becomes filled with compassion, and He
has mercy upon all.
(Zohar, Parashas Noach).
The primary intent should be that His
Name should be whole
and His throne should be whole, that The Holy One, Blessed
is He, should eradicate the memory of Amalek, and that His
name should be sanctified
in all the worlds forever and
. . . It is the duty of each one of us to attend the Beis
daily, to daven Shacharis, Minchah and Maariv there with our
children, and to respond, “Amen, Yehei Shmei Rabba. . . “
for, as the Midrash
states, in this way countless harsh
decrees are annulled each day. It is impossible to
the number of salvations that could be brought about for
Yisrael if the inhabitants of each city were indeed to
assemble in the Beis HaKnesses, and daven
together, and
respond “Amen, Yehei Shmei Rabba . . .” in unison every
day. In this way, thousands of people could be saved from
death . . .
(Michtavei Chofetz Chaim, pp. 167, 169).
How does this
declaration cause evil decrees to be torn up?
The word baruch is related to the word breichah
(spring) and
represents an increase and expansion (see Sefer
Hachaim). When we say, “Yehei Shmei Rabba Mevaracah”, we
express the hope that the glory of G-d’s Name be enhanced
and expanded l’olam
- in this world; u’lolmei olmaya - and
in the upper spiritual realms as well.