Welcome to Divrei Chizuk! Bringing the Bais HaMikdash down 1 brick+ at a time
''Evening Kolel''

“Divrei Chizuk Evening Kolel"

-Ner Shlomo Yehuda- 

Liuly Nishamas

R’Shlomo Yehuda ben R’Avraham Yaakov z’l 


Bchasdei Hashem we are very thrilled to announce the Divrei Chizuk evening Kolel. It is geared for  Rebbiem to help them in their teaching skills with various topics they will be learning. Once a month a chabura(gathering of rebbeim) will be given.

You can now make a donation Liluy Nishamas, refuah, bracha hatzlacha, yeshua, parnasa, shidduchim, for someone you know or don't know. All names will be forwarded to our team in Erets Yisrael, as they will have the specific names in mind.

  If you would like you can also send a letter (please include all names and an YOUR email or phone number so we can contact you) Letter to be sent out will look like this-

If you would like a letter will be sent in your name  

 Bchasdei Hashem we are very thrilled to announce the Divrei Chizuk evening Kolel. 

All the learners are Rebbeim who teach children, and it is designed to help them better their skills in teaching. Each one understands that their learning and davening is for Klal Yisrushalayim. 

It will be  locateded in Yerushaliyim.


To have us notify them/their family, that a gift has been made in their name, please click here to email  us their address or email address with you message below. Please also include YOUR email address/phone number.

We wanted to share with you, that (xxx xxx) made a donation for (you choose for how long) of learning, to our “Kolel” (eg: Liluy Nishmas xxxx xxxxxx). 

Divrei Chizuk is an organization that gives hope and strength to people all over the world, through our web site and our daily inspiration. We are also able to help people through the many campaigns that we run. 

Recently, I received a book entitled “Shlomie”,

(R'Shlomo Yehuda ben R'Avraham Yaakov z’l), who was a person who exemplified the true meaning of chesed. Chasdei Hashem, the thought came to me that we need to improve on our chesed, and take chesed to a new level. We created a page on the divrei chizuk site (divreichizuk.com) called “Doing Chesed’’. 

Through taking all our chasadim to a new level, may we all be zoche to see the building of the Bais HaMikdash bmehira byameinu. Amen

All and any donations are welcomed. For more info please contact us at info@divreichizuk.com  

If you would like you can make a donation to ''Divrei Chizuk Evening Kolel'' Liluy Nishmas , refuah, yeshua, parnasa,for a loved one, or for anyone, someone you know or dont know, and we will contact them by sending them a letter letting them know that the learning and tfilos was done in their zechus, by whom, (if you want to include your name) or it will say by someone who cares. The letter will also be sent to you by mail or by email. Please include all addresses and email info including your email. Tizku Lmitzvos.
For more info please contact us at info@divreichizuk.com (click here) 

Please make your heartfelt donation.

click below on Name of Dedication. 

for crdit crds click here

We also accept chase Quick Pay  
our email is divreichizuk1@aol.com
Tizku Lmitzvos. 
For credit cards-Click here fill out info ONLY ONCE and we will process
or click on 
TIZKU L'Mitzvos
Please take a moment and sign our guest book.