Bchasdei Hashem Divrei Chizuk is all FREE and we will continue
in this derech BE''H.
Now you can be part of
the Divrei Chizuk Mishpacha that B"H goes out to thousands all over the world. You can now dedicate for a name of a loved
one or for a friend or just for Klal Yisrael, for a refuah shleima-yeshua-bracha vhatlacha-parnasa-liluy nishmas/yartzeit/in
memory of someone-shalom-shalom bais-bar/bas mitzvah-shiduch/finding a spouse-having children, gift(we will send a letter
and say a donation was made for you,from...) for someone you know or don't know.- please click below on ''name of dedication'' and to make a donation please click on pay pal or you can
mail a check this will also help us continue giving chizuk to thousands all over the world and join our Mishpacha.There is
so much more we want to do and your heartfelt support helps us help others in many ways. Tizku L'mitzvos!
For credit cards click on name of dedication
By contibuting to Divrei Chizuk and being a partner in all of what we do,
rest assured that Hashem's promise of wealth will be fulfilled.
Please indicate One time donation or monthly donation (12months)
Chai Benefactor -$1,800 Benfactor $1000
Platinum Sponsor $360 Gold Sposor $180
Sponsor $100 Sponsor $72
Supporter $36 Other $
Lmitzvos, May Hashem shine on you His chesed and answer all your heartfelt bakashos hakol ltov. Amen!!!
Please click on name of dedication for credit cards. Even if you use pay pal or
send a check click on name of dedication. Tizku L'Mitzvos!
#1. The
Healing Power of Ashar Yatzar
click here for more info.
The Bracha of Asher Yatzar is now available
in a beautiful color poster (side one) beautiful color poster side two format, suitable for posting in the home or in public places, and in a pocket-sized edition, all especially designed
to increase kavana when reciting the bracha. The posters are available in several sizes and nuschaot and
translated into numerous languages.
hard copies of these wonderful materials, click here to
order. *************************************************
#2. Just One Word Amen-Changing your mazel
The power of Amein Yehei Shemei Raba is strong enough to change
a person's pre-ordained mazal.
If you would like to get a FREE Amen card courtesy
of chofetschaimusa.org click here or call-845-352-3505ext.101
***************************************************#3. אין עוד
מלבדו -Ein Od Milvado
click here to order your free Ein Od Milvado cards &
NEW-Chasdei Hashem the ''Ein od Milvado''
car magnets
#4. Click here to get a PDF only of a Prayer of Thanks One who says it will see nisim from above.
Please indicate if you would like it in hebrew&english
English only or Yiddish only.
"Tikkun L'Choleh",
new tefilah booklet compiled
with tefilos in hebrew, to be said SPECIFICALLY by the choleh themselves!!
You can get a booklet sent to you or in PDF.
click here for more info
***Bchasdei Hashem***
One of our Divrei Chizuk members who lives in Eretz Yisrael,
will now go and daven
for you at a very special place.
Its located inside the tunnel of the Kotel and is said to be the closest
place to the Kodesh Kdosim.
Simply click here to send in a name/bakasha
This is a FREE service.
However if you would like, it is a big zechus to also give
please click here and give any amount
#7 Special personal Tfilos to be said.
Just click below and choose Tfilah.(PDF ONLY all Tfilos are
in Hebrew)
L'Yeshua-Dina Chedva bas Chaya Hena
L'Yeshua-Zeva Rochel bas
Special personal Tfilos to be said before lighting candles.
PDF only please choose all Tfilos are in Hebrew
T'filah Channa
2. Tfilah for Health
3. Tfilah for
a women to say for her Husband
4. Tfilah for Hatzlacha
5. Tfilah for a daughter to find her Zivug
6. Tfilah for a son to find his Zivug
7. Tfilah
for success for the children
8. Tfilah for Htazlacha from all bad
9. Tfilah for a women to say in the 9th month
10. Tfilah
to say for success in Torah
Liluy Nishamas-Rabbi Asher H. Abittan zt''l
to taking any medication or undergoing
any medical procedure, a prayer should
be said.
click here to learn more about it
and how to order your FREE card.