out our NEW virtual Gratitude learning center
You can submit a name for any reason as we daven at the Kotel and you will
be included in all what we do.
Just click sign my gust book. All names are
confidential unless you write in the email to include.
You do not have to make
a donation and if you do it can be any amount. BIG OR SMALL
Click below to make
a donation.

Bchasdei Hashem Divrei Chizuk is all FREE and we will continue
in this derech BE''H.
Now you can be part of
the Divrei Chizuk Mishpacha that B"H goes out to thousands all over the world. You can now dedicate for a name of a loved
one or for a friend or just for Klal Yisrael, for a refuah shleima-yeshua-bracha vhatlacha-parnasa-liluy nishmas/yartzeit/in
memory of someone-shalom-shalom bais-bar/bas mitzvah-shiduch/finding a spouse-having children, gift(we will send a letter
and say a donation was made for you,from...) for someone you know or don't know.- please click below on ''name of dedication'' and to make a donation please click on pay pal or you can
mail a check this will also help us continue giving chizuk to thousands all over the world and join our Mishpacha.There is
so much more we want to do and your heartfelt support helps us help others in many ways. Tizku L'mitzvos!
For credit cards click on name of dedication
By contibuting to Divrei Chizuk and being a partner in all of what we do,
rest assured that Hashem's promise of wealth will be fulfilled.
Please indicate One time donation or monthly donation (12months)
Chai Benefactor -$1,800 Benfactor $1000
Platinum Sponsor $360 Gold Sponsor $180
Sponsor $100 Sponsor $72
Supporter $36 Other $
Lmitzvos, May Hashem shine on you His chesed and answer all your heartfelt bakashos hakol ltov. Amen!!!
Please click on name of dedication for credit cards. Even if you use pay pal or
send a check click on name of dedication. Tizku L'Mitzvos!
We also accept chase Quick Pay
Just email us amount with your email address,
Tizku Lmitzvos.
Or you can send a check to:
83-21 125th st.
Gardens N.Y. 11415
Tizku L'Mitzvos
More ways that you can help, and spread Chizuk?
Your heartfelt donations goes to the many sevices
we provide
Since this web site was launched B"H I have been receiving many calls, e-mails of people who would like to help
and see what chizuk does. I first want to thank Hashem Blessed be His Great and Holy Name for giving me this thought.
we know Hashem created this world on chesed (kindness). Hashem loves it when He sees his Holy children doing chesed for others.
If you would like you can participate in this important mitzvah(paypal look below) and help us spread Divrei Chizuk all around.
You can help us spread the word around that Hashem loves us and is always here for each of us.
You can help in the following ways please email
me to let me know which one you chose, or for any other info. You can have this be an Iluy Nishamas for
someone-or a yeshua for someone. If you have a machshava please contact us.
- Help a family's in need- I know family's that need food for the chagim and for every
day regular basic needs. They have been out of work for some time. May Hashem send them the yeshua bkrov.
- Davening for you at a very special place that is located inside the tunnel
of the Kotel and is said to be the closest place to the Kodesh Kdosim.
- Buying children clothes for the chagim
- You can help us advertise where we put ads in the paper that Hashem loves you 100%, different
Chizuk articles that we wrote in helping Klal Yisrael get closer to Hashem and bring Hashem closer to all.
- Help in maintaining the Divrei Chizuk site that is seen by thousands all over the
- Help in maitaining the Daily Divrei Chizuk
that is seen by thousands all over the world.
- Help get
the word out about our Shabbos campaign
- Help get the
word out about our Ein Od Milvado campaign
- Help get
the word out about ways to get chizuk
- Help us in putting
out a cd with songs of chizuk.
- Shabbos Tehillim said
by 80 children.
- Evening Kolel
- Mishnayos program learned by 30 to 40 children
- Printing of
Ein Od Milvado cards (Liluy Nishamas a loved one can be placed on card)
- Printing
of flyers
For more info about our special projects we are
involved in click here. You can get involved in anything we do, and be part
of this Mitzvah. Tizku Lmitzvos and may Hashem shower on you maleh bracha vhatzlacha, and answer all your heartfelt bakashos
hakol l'tov. Amen!!!